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Características principais

Título do livro
Livro The Cupcake Club - Sweet Victory: 8
Sheryl Berk
Editora do livro
Capa do livro

Outras características

  • Com páginas para colorir: Não

  • Com realidade aumentada: Não

  • Gênero do livro: Conto

  • Tipo de narração: Conto

  • Idade mínima recomendada: 8 anos

  • Idade máxima recomendada: 100 anos

  • ISBN: 9781492620822


But when Coach Walsh has to take a leave of absence from school, Sadie's suddenly at a loss. What will she do without coach's spot-on advice and uplifting encouragement? Luckily, Sadie's got Peace, Love, and Cupcakes on her side. Her friends know that the power of friendship--and cupcakes--might be just what Sadie needs! Together, they rally to whip up the largest batch of their lives, all to help support Coach Walsh. When the going gets tough, a little PLC goes a long way. But this record-breaking order might just be too much for the PLC.Can the girls pull it together in time to score a win for Sadie--and Coach Walsh?