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Características principais

Título do livro
Livro English Adventure Level 4 Student Book with CD-Rom
Anne Worrall
Editora do livro
Capa do livro

Outras características

  • Com páginas para colorir: Não

  • Com realidade aumentada: Não

  • Gênero do livro: idiomas

  • Tipo de narração: idiomas

  • Idade mínima recomendada: 5 anos

  • Idade máxima recomendada: 100 anos

  • ISBN: 9780132439749


English Adventure - a favourite all over the world! Motivate young students to learn English with the magical world of Disney stories and characters, well-known and loved by all! Colourful stories and fun activities together with a wide variety of exercises encourage even the quietest students to speak English. English Adventure provides a solid foundation in English that grows as your students grow, with well-known Disney characters to introduce new interests and topics. With over 3 million copies sold in more than 50 countries, English Adventure has brought magic and joy to thousands of primary teachers and students around the world.