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Características principais

Título do livro
Livro The Revolutionary Has No Clothes: Hugo Chavez's Bolivarian Farce - Capa dura
A C Clark
Editora do livro
Encounter Books

Outras características

  • Gênero do livro: Conto

  • Tipo de narração: Conto

  • Idade mínima recomendada: 18 anos

  • Idade máxima recomendada: 100 anos

  • ISBN: 9781594032592


During the forty or so years that preceded Hugo Chavezs seizing of power, Venezuela had the most stable democracy in Latin America, the fastest-growing economy and the highest standard of living in the region. After Chavez seized power in 1999, however, things have changed radically. Today, Venezuela can no longer be seen as a democracy and rather than attracting immigrants as it once did, Venezuelans themselves are fleeing the country. Yet, somehow, the vast majority of contemporary references to Venezuela and to Chavezs rule are laudatory.

In The Revolutionary Has No Clothes: Hugo Chavezs Bolivarian Farce, A.C. Clark corrects this warped take on Hugo Chavez and the ?Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela and skewers those grotesquely admiring portraits of Mr. Chavez painted by panegyrists from Noam Chomsky to Sean Penn. Clark explores Chavezs embarrassing public displays, perilous policy platforms and close relationships with rogue states to reveal Chavez for what he truly is: a dangerous ?buffoon leading a once prosperous nation down a path to ruin.

Most shockingly, Clark exposes both Chavezs ambitions for asymmetrical warfare against the United States and Venezuelas insidious lobbying network within our own borders. In the end, The Revolutionary Has No Clothes is the definitive portrait of one of the worlds depraved leaders and a disturbing chronicle of Venezuelas decline from a prosperous democracy to an autocratic bully-state.